Our trip to Los Angeles for Shane's 10 year+ w James Hardie.
Shane and I had FOUR DAYS alone with each other to go to LA. It was AMAZING. Talk about VIP treatment. The wives had lots of fun activities to go on. Well, we made it fun- despite one crazy driving bus driver that made us all car sick plus the crazy cold wind. We went and saw lots of fun sites in Hollywood. Saw places that were in movies. Like the restrauant in Meet the Fockers, the balcony and hotel from Pretty Woman, Kat's Tattoo Parlor from LA Ink.
This is the view from our hotel room. It was gorgeous!!!! The Ritz Carlton in Marina del Rey was beautiful and CLEAN. I had no germaphobic issues while there. Shane wanted to bring the shower head home and I wanted the king size bed. I think I know what we are getting each other for our ten year anniversary this year, ha!
I was trying to get a picture of the Hollywood sign from our hotel room, it is the white dot on the mountain in the background. Iphone's just don't cut it and I forgot our regular camera so not many pics on this trip.
On Saturday we had the day all to ourselves. We decided to rent a car from the hotel which was awesome. And imagine our surprise when the valet guy drives it up and opens the car door for me to step into a MERCEDES! Shane and I did a very good job of not reacting until AFTER we left the hotel. We felt like we fit right into all the gorgeous cars around us. Shane couldn't believe the amount of Bentley cars we saw. We saw as many bentleys there as we see Odysseys here!
My best friend from high school lives in Santa Monica so we were able to hang out for a few hours and it was just amazing. It was like 10 years had never happened and we needed about three more hours to catch up!
She gave us some great tips on places to go. So the previous picture is of Paradise Cove Cafe in Malibu. Talk about gorgeous. I kind of started having an emotional breakdown because all these families had their kids out playing in the sand and my pregnancy hormones made me a little crazy. We took a walk on the beach, picked up the only two sea shells we could find and hopped back in the car to drive up the Pacific Coast highway.

After the Pacific Coast highway, touring through Malibu Country Market (didn't see any stars, apparently they were all at home starving themselves for the golden globes the next day), we went to the Grove which is a fancy shopping area. It was freezing, but to be out walking around with my honey was awesome. I actually started crying a little bit when we went into the American Girl store. Holy Cow, Avery is going to go crazy when we take her. So we bought an outfit for her doll for her birthday and got out of there before my hormones started raging and I embarrassed myself. We went into GAP and found a maternity section! Finally! We don't have one around here so needless to say, my pants have consisted of leggings and yoga pants! Shane treated me to a pair of jeans and a dress. I think he was pretty happy with the prices after I had first asked him to take me to Rosie Pope's store. Ummm, no way was $180 for a pair of jeans going to happen, ha! We grabbed cheesecake to go from the Cheesecake factory and then went in search of dinner. Everywhere we went was over an hour wait. But that's what happens when you want to be completely spontaneous and not have a schedule. Then we remembered the California Pizza Kitchen by our hotel and jumped into the car and off we went. It was almost 8pm by the time we ate dinner. Ummm, that's usually when my pajamas are on and I am in bed trying to stay awake for when Shane comes to bed. All I have to say was that pizza was amazing. We had been eating really fancy delicious dinners, so to sink our teeth into pizza was heavenly.

Here I am sending a picture to the kids from the hotel room. Can you believe my teeth? UGH! I finally got my new retainer yesterday and in six weeks am getting a permanent retainer put in after the top gets straightened back up. Apparently my teeth move way too much and six years and $6000 can be lost in a few weeks!
My hot date for the weekend.
Whoa, chubby cheeks and double chin! Good thing my friend from bible study is a personal trainer and certified in prenatal and postnatal exercise!
All in all it was amazing trip. It was really hard getting up TWICE at 3 am to catch our flights and there was more turbulence than I had ever experienced in all of our cross country flights. But I never threw up. I never fell asleep at any of the work dinners (although I almost did the first night! Literally had to prop my head up on the table during the CEO's presentation because I could not keep my eyes open). Spending time completely alone with Shane, who took amazing care of his sick fat pregnant wife, was so sweet. I felt totally taken care of and it was awesome to not have to take care of anyone else for a couple of days. But once we were on the plane to the east coast, we were both ready to see our babies. Who apparently had an amazing time with all their babysitters!