Sunday, February 27, 2011
Growing up is hard to do... on mommy....
I just watched my little girl grow up a little bit today. Her friend across the street asked her over to jump on the trampoline. Did I mention they were yelling at each other across the street? I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard. But today I walked her to the end of our yard... she looked both ways and crossed the street. BY HERSELF. Timidly of course. My beautifully shy daughter treaded carefully and cautiously. She walked over to the nature path and started down it towards her friends house. ( Don't worry I was standing on the edge of the street watching her the whole time.) Did I mention I started crying? Thank goodness I had sunglasses on and no one could tell that I was having this momentous moment with my firstborn. The first of many times that she's going to walk away from me and into young womanhood. Is it always this hard with the first? On one hand my heart was rejoicing, and even prideful as she took one step in front of another. And on the other hand, a bit of me was heartbroken. She doesn't need me to carry her across the street, or push her in a stroller... she is becoming a girl. Still my girl, but a girl nonetheless. The baby in her is gone. And I'm so proud of her.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
bloggeritis, sick kids, writers block, traveling, lack of sleep...
many excuses as to why my blogs have been few and far between. but hopefully my kids will start feeling better and i will start functioning at a more than "survival" level.
i'm sipping a chai tea latte right now and just waiting for it to kick in so i can get something accomplished today. We've spent the last two days at the doctors office. Two kids with ear infections, one with fever and constipation, and one tired mommy. But at least now we are plenty drugged-- albeit antibiotics or caffeine!
i'm 6 days behind on my bible challenge. this really frustrates me as i had been keeping up with it the whole time. but i'm not discouraged. i'm reading extra every day and i am still determined to catch up in a few days. my house might be falling apart, but i'm loving this challenge. i thought i would be so bored (not gonna lie tho 2 Chronicles about did me in), but i've been shocked at how much just sitting down and reading the bible has encouraged me. i don't stop and take notes, get caught up in what the hebrew means, or stop to write notes in the margin. just straight reading. and it's awesome. i plan on continuing to do this. not at this crazy pace, but not having an agenda. just spending time in the word. i'm soaking up psalms right now and am partially dragging my feet to finish it because i am just savoring every word. i'll probably go back to it and start psalms all over when the challenge is done.
homeschooling is going well. avery is a champion student and reece really wants to join in. lately we've made fish mobiles and grew beans. avery's reading more and more each lesson and reece can finally write his name!
ellie turned one and i am working on her post for her birthday, but i usually end up all choked up and can't finish it! so it may be awhile before it finally shows up on here.
shane cut the big hole in the kitchen wall for built in shelving so my vision there is already coming to fruition.
for sure it is never a dull moment around here!
Friday, February 4, 2011
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