The reason we were gone so much was so that Shane could have uninteruppted time to rip out the old floors and put in hardwood. I detest carpet and am so glad that we decided to get this done. It's close to being finished. There is a three foot span on the front wall and back of the first floor walls that need to be finished and then we can put the baseboards on. I, of course, will be excited to get all of the furniture out of the basement and back up on the first floor. It's hard to be motivated to clean when everything is a disaster so I am staying upstairs today in the office catching up on all the blogs that I haven't read for weeks.
I got my pens organized. I know you are probably rolling your eyes. But I am weird like that. I found this little organizer in ltdcommodities magazine at my mom's house. It is a wooden box that says faith hope and love and in it are three wire candle holders. I decided to stick it on top of my fridge and I have a section for permanent, felt tip and dry erase markers. A picture will be sure to follow. It's right above my calender and next to my "inbox" so it is very convienent if I have to label something for the kids, color code the calender, or let's face it, just look cute! I had bought five packs of pens at the dollar store that had really pretty prints on them and stuck them in my SWENSONS 75th Anniversary glass that I got from my last trip to Ohio. This is the best burger place in my opinion. I am craving one right now actually. This is on my desk in teh office and quite handy.
Well, you can see my life is all kinds of exciting!
You are so silly! But glad you are organized! Can't wait to see pics!
You are too cute!! Look forward to seeing the pictures...especially of your pen organizer! :) haha
Can't wait to see pictures! Let me know when you get your shop up! I am excited to check it out! I <3 Etsy!!
But still no photos of the hardwood. Weird...
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