Day 3: I apparently didn't take any pictures but we were at the pool most of the day and let Lorelai take a nap in the afternoon. We then ate dinner at That's So Fresh and it was just Ok. Not as great as we were hoping.
Day 4: Time to have an educational field trip and lots of hands on activities. We went to the Glazer Children's Museum downtown Tampa. I lived just around the corner from here when I lived in Tampa and felt right at home in the city. Didn't get lost even once. Lots of pictures of this day. I planned ahead this time and packed bathing suits, towels, and a picnic lunch to eat by the out door fountains. Such a fun place for kids to play in the water and mama got to sit and watch. It's all by the Hillsborough River and they have done an amazing job since we moved away revitalizing this part of the city. Such a beautiful area now.
Riding Dorothy's bike at the new Wizard of Oz display at the museum.
Fearless Ellie climbed right to the top.
Lunch by the Hillsborough River.
Oh, bless her. We all joke about her sweet little chunky thighs. I don't think I could ever get enough of squeezing them.
Sissy helping sissy though the fountain.
Pretty girl photo bomb.
We kept talking about how much Mimi would have loved this exhibit!
Ride that cow girl!
Reece launching boats that kids can assemble.
My "little" girls playing in the water.

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