
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rain Rain GO Away, Can I move into my house today?

SO my beautiful new house is DONE! However, because of stupid paperwork (my nemesis in all aspects of life) I can't move in until Friday. Alas, I have just ONE full day until I am free of living in limbo and I can finally be at HOME!

Well, since Reece won't nurse and I am going crazy insane in this house, the kids and I went to Barnes and Noble. This was a three-fold benefit. One- Starbucks, no other words needed. Two- toys Avery can play with (Thomas the train table). Three- Xmas gifts. We were able to waste almost two hours before all heck was about to break loose that is common with a 2 1/2 and 6 month old.

My heart is literally racing and I'm not sure I will get to sleep very much tonight and tomorrow. I am in pure adrenaline rush now. Seven months of living with two spoon, four forks, and a mattress on the floor has gotten really old. I have a new appreciation for missionaries who leave all of their stuff and move across the world. Well, I am going to get my poor daughter up from her nap because I just realized in my haste to get her down for a nap before bible study she never had lunch. Oh for normalcy. Whatever that is!!! :)
PS The picture is proof that my Mom and I had A LOT of Starbucks while I was in Ohio. Love that stuff!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Friday can not come soon enough, it appears!
Happy Moving!

Dena said...

Oh - I can't wait until Friday so I can see all the fun new house photos!

Anonymous said...

ENJOY every moment of your move- you've waited a long time to get settled in your new home... and post some pictures soon :)