This is what it looked like a few weeks ago....
And they say there is another storm coming...
Did someone forget to tell the weather that we live in the south?

Our car couldn't make it up the hill so Shane left it in the neighbors driveway and this is what it looked like the next morning.

Seriously...I'm ready for spring. This cold stuff is getting a little tiresome.

I agree completely! I am about to go crazy here!
OMG!! That is INSANE ;) Even worse - I, ME - Tampa, FL was complaining that I am tired of "our" winter!! HA HA We'd gotten back into the 60s as lows and this week the morning were back in the 40s and I proclaimed my desire to punch a snowman! ha - I'm a dork!! Thaw out girl!! I know for me it makes a difference in my moods, so I'll be praying for SUNSHINE at least!!
Dare I say it? You have had lots more snow than we have! Move to Ohio!
Or move to Toronto...we do not have any snow either...it was a bit blustery this morning, but no accumulation! Oh and what is with a 9 mth pregnant women riding in a Jeep Wrangler...were you trying to induce labor?
This is apparently an EL NINO year and something about the jet stream moving low into the south and that's why we are getting all of this that normally the NORTHERN FREEZING COLD STATES would get.
Whatever! It's maken mama cranky! And the kids are wild banshees!
Shane attempted to take them to the basketball court and they lasted all of 5 minutes because it's 20 degrees!
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