
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Encouraging words

Saw this on another blog...
1.Light a candle by your sink as you wash dishes.
2. Listen to worship music, classical music, or something you love as you work.
3. Clean one area or room at a time. Declare it off limits when you're finished with it.
4. Take frequent breaks to do something you enjoy for just a few minutes.
5. Use cleaning products that either smell great or are homemade.
6. Be thankful for what you have. Thank your husband and the Lord for what they have provided.
7. Start looking at yard sales and thrift shops for things that fit in with what you would like your home to become. Oftentimes, you can find things that are just perfect.
8. Think comfort in all you purchase for your home. Some styles may be pretty; but, they're not always comfortable.
9. Determine to be thankful for what you have now.
10. Ruthlessly get rid of the things that you don't need or enjoy.
11. Smile!
12. Pray while you iron.
13. Invite someone over. It's great motivation; and, God tells us to be hospitable. It's also fun!
14. Make time in your day for doing something you enjoy...knitting, sewing, crocheting, writing, reading, whatever it may be.
15. Place your favorite chair near your husband's favorite chair. Reach over and hold his hand.
16. Seek friendships with ladies who enjoy homekeeping.
17. Try new recipes regularly.
18. Make useful things for your home and for your family.
19. Make things homemade as often as possible. There's such satisfaction in it.
20. Take time for tea!
21. Use it up; wear it out; make it do; or do without!

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